Carme Albaigés
Carme Albaigés was born in Barcelona (Spain) in 1956.
Her work focusses on people. Her predominantly faceless protagonists are mostly on the move, sometimes travelling with suitcases or bags. Whether they know their destination seems questionable.
In her sculptures and paintings, Carme Albaigés shows heroes fighting against their fate. She says of her work: “The world is absurd, I make every effort to show this sensation in my works”.
She has been showing her work in group and solo exhibitions and at international art fairs since 1978.
Art Fairs & Exhibitions
Amsterdam, Grubbenvorst, Hertogenbusch - BELGIUM
Ghent, Liege, Knokke - GERMANY
Kaarst/Düsseldorf - FRANCE
L`ISLE-sur-la-Sorgue, Perpignan - LUXEMOURG
Luxembourg - PORTUGAL
Leira, Braga - SPAIN
Barcelona, Madrid, Mallorca, Javea, Girona, Valencia - and more…